Life passes on in proximity to the sacred, and it this proximity that endows existence with the ultimate significance.

-AJ Hershel

end of life


Dying is a place we will all come to. Whether through a diagnosis or sudden loss, everyone is affected and we all need  guidance on how to proceed.

My purpose as a doula is to support you and your loved ones, listening and meeting you where you are. It is never too early to start discussing and planning how we want to live through this stage.

The act of caring is also in being. Being present with compassion, loving-kindness, and emotional awareness is essential, especially since most of us are not equipped to talk about death. Avoiding this topic results in a loss of power and access to choice.

I am here to honor and advocate for early and authentic conversations to inspire more connection, confidence, and preparedness for the end of life

We all deserve to have our preferences known and made possible as we live in proximity.

Laney Gradus is the owner of in proximity (est.2022) She has lived in New York City for over 30 years. Trained by the University of Vermont (UVM) Lardner College of Medicine, and the Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY), Laney is an Ordained Minister, and identify as spiritual not religious. She believes the act of caring is not only in the doing but in the being.